Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Affiliation, Aschmiliation

The first question that comes to mind for me when someone says they are going to have a political is discussion is: "What are they?" I'm actually a little disappointed in myself, however. Because if you ask me that question, I don't have an answer for you. That's not the disappointment, I'm glad that I don't have an answer. I'm disappointed that I want to know someone else's political affiliation. I don't think it matters.

There is a lot of talk with the issues of bipartisan bickering in the government and congress especially. Too many politicians are identifying more with whatever the hard party line is, instead of what their constituents want, or what their conscience should dictate. Votes are being cast along straight party lines for no real reason other than allegiance to the majority of the party. Within the parties there are so many different ideas, different views, things that are not getting expressed or discussed as they should because someone is a D or R. I don't really care if you're blue or red or anything of the sort. I want to know what you think. And that can't be answered with "I'm a democrat," etc...That doesn't answer my question. There are lots of examples where people have a little label that they are supposed to fit. Pro-life for instance. That would imply as respect for life, possibly an opposition to killing. But apparently it only applies to unborn children. You believe in killing anybody else, if you're the typical pro-life, right? Whatever, that particular subject can be its own blog (and probably will be). Suffice it to say that I don't buy into labeling, be it beliefs, affiliation or whatever. Explain what you believe, don't hide behind a label.

The map above, since I've avoided it so far is an attempt to show true voting patterns, not the ridiculous red or blue states we see show much. Now you see where the candidates were favored more specifically. I just thought it was an interesting little piece of info. The real cherry is when you look at a cartogram of the election results. This site will show you what I mean (and actually explain a cartogram, I'm too lazy):


Again you ask, what am I? Well, you'll have to keep reading, because I won't give you a label, I'm going to attempt to explain what I believe. So then you'll really know. I hope.


At 9:57 PM, Blogger sweetviolet said...

i thought about that very thing (the respect for life) when i watched the today show this morning. a couple gave birth to the triplet of their twins, 13 years later....whoa. ok. they conceived multiple children via IVF, and gave birth to two of those children 13 years ago. They then froze the other embryos (some of which were tragically sold illegally by their doctor) They just gave birth to another child from one of those 13 year old frozen embryos. Now avoiding the ethical issues with that alone, the couple expressed their deep disapproval of embryonic stem cell research...their baby being "proof" that the embryos are people. Do they not see the DISCONNECT here???? They conceived multiple children (which they had no intention of giving birth to) via IVF. Why do you think you implant so many eggs in IVF? Because you expect some of them to die. Somehow that's okay because it's in God's hands? The lengths people will go to to have "their own" children is a whole other ball of wax that angers me greatly. I'll stop here. Sorry I didn't respond to the actual topic of your post. yuujhbyhhn bgg... that last bit was contributed by violet

At 10:20 PM, Blogger WunEyedDog said...

I totally agree Baby V, good point. Sarah, I promise further discussion on this, this was just an example of my point.

At 1:04 PM, Blogger WunEyedDog said...

Hmmm...thanks for the warning. I'll have to watch what I say. I'll avoid the buzzwords, which should help, and I won't do any of this at work (probably one of the biggest issues facing the soldier in the story). I'm also not downrange, which won't make it so high profile. We'll see how it ends up, though. Hopefully I don't get burned.

At 1:08 PM, Blogger sweetviolet said...

what is downrange?

At 6:03 PM, Blogger sweetviolet said...

jacob, you've given me an ulcer.

At 7:50 PM, Blogger sweetviolet said...

Perhaps I should have been clearer. I have developed an ulcer at the thought of Conor being court martialed for blogging, not the thought of being downwind of a fart.

At 8:19 PM, Blogger WunEyedDog said...

Downrange is in reference to a firing range. Downrange is where the targets are, what you're shooting at. In the context above, downrange is where the bullets are flying.

At 2:18 AM, Blogger WunEyedDog said...

The child can hardly be offended. She farts more than anyone I know.


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