Tuesday, August 09, 2005


Entropy is a word with a few concepts attached, but the one I really like is this: Inevitable and steady deterioration of a system or society. I somehow enjoy the thought that all sociteties are on a downward spiral eventually. Some start out better, and have a longer fall, some start out pretty crappy and don't have very far to go, but they all end up there. I think there are things that you can look at in any society to appraise where they're at along the curve.

1. Civil Rights - Does everybody have equal protection under the law
2. Manners - Are people polite and kind to each other
3. Treatment of the land - Is there proper stewardship of the land they live on
4. Positive Social Interaction - Do people interact, or do they shut themselves up in isolation

These are just a couple of things that I think can indicate to me if a society is just starting the slide down, or if they're in a full headlong plunge. Looking at those 4, I'm pretty sure America is on a street luge, headed down Mt Whitney. Civil rights are being taken away, nice people are the exception to the rule, we have abhorhent environmental policies, and people are more concerned with their central air than their neighbors. Unless of course, their neighbors have done something to offend them.

I don't think that there is no good in our society, don't misunderstand me. I do think that the good is disappearing pretty quickly, however. Sometimes I'm almost tempted to just pack up and leave. That doesn't do any good, though. It's better to stay and fight for improvements, even if I believe that the decline is inevitable. I can at least stake out a piece and fight to keep it good.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Who's driving?

With the congress moving into recess and all of the events of the last couple of weeks, it's been pretty eventful. CAFTA is passed and away, Bolton is off to the UN, the energy bill moves to the pres's desk, sheesh, I'm not really happy with any of that. Not that I have any say, thanks to our system.

I'm all about civil service these days. I work for the mil, in resource protection, so I am doing something to help my society. I don't feel like I can do enough from here though. So what am I supposed to do? I have some disagreements with what's happening in our country right now, but how can I affect that? All I get to do right now is my job. Honestly, some of the things I say here could get me in trouble. I'm not really allowed to dissent from my CinC. Do I stay in and try to change things from within? Or some other part of the government, like the Foreign Service corps of the state department? Or do I get out, do something else and just be a muckraker and try to enact change that way. I think that far too often the so-called progressives just want to stand outside and yell about the problems. There are people out there working to find new and better ways to do things, but not always in a way that can achieve support. Howard Zinn, Noam Chomsky, Michael Albert and many, many other, more intelligent people than I are working for change, but how many people know who they are? Sure, my circle of friends does, but that's not who needs to know.

Maybe I should actually get involved in politics. The real deal politics. The military background is certainly a boon in that respect, but I need some more credentials. A degree or three will be another step in the right direction, but what else? Any ideas? If I really want to change things, being one of the people who writes the rules would be a pretty solid way to go.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Many thanks.

Many thanks to my wonderful wiffee, Sarah for the new look on the blog. Not that I've written anything recently. I need to calm down a bit first, I'm feeling like I'm being too ranty. Rants don't help anything, they just pick fights. Of course, picking a fight is fun sometimes, but it gets old when that's all you do. I certainly don't have to look very far for a good fight, they're easy to come by down here.